Season's Greetings From Nigel Tyas

Our last working day before Christmas will be Friday 22nd December 2023, reopening on Tuesday 2nd January 2024. We would like to thank everyone involved with our company including our employees, customers, suppliers and people who have been involved in projects and related activities. We look forward to working with you in 2024.

The #Happyblacksmith has turned off the forge for 2023. We’ve set down the hammer once more and will be putting our feet up for a well earned rest. The website is always live and we will be back in early January to process your orders and answer your queries. We’d like to take a moment to thank everyone of our subscribers, customers, suppliers and followers as it’s your involvement and support that makes this all worth doing. We are grateful for all the we have and encouraged every day to show that blacksmith made products still have a place in the modern world. The feedback this year has been better than ever as we continue to evolve and strengthen our ‘smithing processes. The marketplace hasn’t been easy this year and we’ve all felt the pinch of rising costs and constraints of other global events but we will be back, refreshed and renewed in 2024 when we look forward to celebrating our 20th year as a limited company. From humble beginnings the fire still burns bright here in Yorkshire. 

Father Christmas is on his way

We had to grab a picture when the big guy stopped by on his way to visit some local children. A huge thanks to all the couriers (elves) who work tirelessly at this time of year taken parcels and packages to delighted customers for us.

Wishing you a cozy Christmas

The best of wishes to you and yours for a peaceful, cosy and fun filled festive season.

#happyblacksmith #wroughtiron #ironwork #handmade #artisan #metalwork #lighting #interiordesign #madeinengland #britishmade #lightingdesign #madeinyorkshire #curtainpoles #madetomeasure